"Trick Draw" BEYOND CCW
Making the "right draw" with your CCW requires proper DISTANCE & TIMING which is something that IS NOT awarded in a street attack!
Criminals DO NOT announce from 20 feet or 300 yards away that they are about to take your @$$ out, so hitting a target at 30ft away at a controlled shooting range IS NOT all that self defense shooting is about!
Criminals make sneak attacks in closed areas so you don't know what's coming.
And if they know you are carrying a gun, they have an advantage over you already.
They may stab or shoot you before confronting you for what they want to assure you don't have a chance to get to the gun that you have exposed to them. I'm sorry to say but these are the truths of the streets.
When going for your draw keep in mind that you can use DISTRACTIONS to give yourself more time to make a clean draw, and get an accurate shot.
Watch this video to learn an awesome trick to do that makes room for you to bring out your BIG GUNS!
Here are some more street smart tips and moves you can use to stay safe.