Multiple Opponent Destroyer

Multiple Opponent Destroyer

Aug 05, 2024

You never know if you someday may end up having to face two or more attackers that are teamed up against you at the same time.

It can happen to anyone, anywhere and it does happen frequently. The survival of the person who is attacked by multiple attackers is determined by the attackers because they have the advantage.

They will decide how badly you will be hurt when you go home, IF they decide to let you go home. The victim of multiple attackers is placed at the mercy of several cruel people at once. These are not good odds and YOU should not be willing to take the chance of ever landing in this hopeless, beggar's position.

It is more than possible to survive and even when facing multiple opponents with the key element for success being preparation and readiness.

These two steps advantage you against your attacker because most if not all multiple attackers do not expect the person that they are attacking to be ready to defend against multiple attackers.

This makes them underestimate their target with pumped egos that are sure of an easy win because they have their buddies there to back them up. Their defense will be low leaving their vulnerabilities exposed.

Here are 3 tips on what to do when facing multiple opponents:

  1. Use weapons or items that can improvise as a weapon without hesitation. Bite! Scratch eyeballs! Rip groins and lips!
  2. Strike first without hesitation or remorse on whatever person is closest to you. Be vicious and cruel. Make an example out of him quickly.
  3. Do not allow your attackers to surround and take turns attacking you to throw you off guard.

    Watch the attached video to learn some striking combos that you can use on multiple opponents!

    Here are strategies I used to keep myself safe when I was in Prison that also has kept me safe on the streets >>