Jul 22, 2024

WARNING! Any type of strike with any part of the body or an item to a person’s head is considered deadly force in a court of law. This is for self-defense and educational purposes only.

There are numerous reasons why the JAB is the primary punch of the expert Boxer with one of the main reasons being that it has the longest range out of all punches, and it can be executed effectively from any position without disrupting or compromising balance, positioning, or defense.

Jab can be delivered while in or out of the Stance and while using footwork in any direction.

Jab is the treasured leader of the punching arsenal with its exclusive ability of speed, versatility, flexibility, & explosiveness that it uses to create openings that allow the other stronger punches to be delivered properly and land effectively.

The one with an expert developed Jab will have a dominating advantage in every fight that he or she engages in.

An expert Jab is to a regular Jab and punches, what the rifle is to the bow and arrow. Here are some tips for you to develop this strength of the gift of Boxing.

  1. From stance, simply extend your left fist forward while turning it clockwise.
  2. Strike with the first two large knuckles of the fist. Don’t allow your elbows to flare out (like a bird’s wings in flight) as you Jab.
  3. After making contact return your fist back to its proper position in your stance using the same path that your fist traveled when extending.
  4. Keep the base hand in stance position at the head as you strike and twist the Jab so that the palm is down when it reaches the target.

The Jab is to be quick and "snappy". Punch THROUGH your target and quickly snap the punch back after deep contact is made. Be careful not to hyperextend your elbow and do not push with your punch.

After landing the Jab, bring your hand immediately back home to your stance.

When throwing the Jab be sure that it goes straight out and comes straight back along the same path. Do not drop your hand (in a bicycle pedaling motion) after striking the target.

Also be sure to keep both knees bent and do not straighten the lead leg (lock the knee) when executing. You want to drive with your Jab, not pitter patter or slap.

Drive your knuckles into the target. The Jab normally is not expected to knock an opponent unconscious but knock-out power can be developed in the Jab by an exceptional practitioner.

Watch the attached instructional video on "How to Develop a Quick Jab".

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