How To Not Get "Grounded" In A Street Fight

How To Not Get "Grounded" In A Street Fight

Sep 04, 2024

During a street fight or self-defense situation you must NEVER remain on the ground if you land there.

Ground fighting Martial Arts such as Jiu Jitsu are beautiful and effective Martial Arts that should be used during self-defense as a last resort, because they are tournament designed forms that require an un-corrupted fighting surface such as mats and 1 person against 1 person format.

And these “rules” are enforced and followed only in the safety of a training area or supervised competition.

That IS NOT where you will be during an attack.

Getting “grounded” during a street fight allows your attacker to stomp you and his buddies to jump you.

You also may land on foreign objects such as glass, rocks, needles etc… that can cause you harm.

And most of all, fighting from the ground totally eradicates your chance to run away and escape if needed.

If you find yourself on the ground during a self-defense situation GET YOUR @ss UP IMMEDIATELY but carefully!

Here is how you get back to your feet from the ground.

1) When you hit the ground immediately rise up to rest on the elbow of your dominant/stronger side.

2) Outstretch your least dominant hand towards your attacker with the palm facing out to deflect any strikes that may be coming towards your head. This is called the “Chill Position”.

3) Kick at your attacker in a stomping manner with your feet to discourage him from attacking and to create space for your next step.

Learn More Street Defense moves here >>