Combat Defense Stance

Combat Defense Stance

Jul 22, 2024

The STANCE is to the combatant what the race car is to the racer and what the hammer is to the carpenter.

It is an extremely crucial element that is the foundation and that holds up all self-defense combat techniques that get executed.

Just as the racer is not a racer without a race car and the carpenter can not do carpentry without a hammer, self-defense combat is futile without a proper stance.

The Combat Defense Stance is the first line of defense against a physical attack.

When in a proper Stance, your body is positioned so that most of your vulnerable areas are covered and protected from strikes, and the knees are bent so you are prepared to respond immediately to whatever threat comes at you.

The act of "taking a Combat Stance" sometimes possesses the power to stop your attacker from attacking by demonstrating that:

1. You are READY and willing to fight back at this moment.

2. You are not afraid to fight your attacker.

3. You must have some sort of experience in combat.

Watch the attached instructional video so you can add the "Combat Defense Stance" to your arsenal TODAY!