Feb 09, 2025

Unqualified judgements

Many will profess that fighting is an expression of ignorance that solves nothing. This is usually said by people who can not fight. And regardless of how strong they may posture against “fighting”, they still will initiate fighting when they hit a certain point where things aren’t going the way that they want them to go.

For instance, if you were to slap this person who belittles fighting, he most likely would choose not to engage you in a fight because he knows he can’t fight. He has no chance of winning against you.

Therefore, instead of slapping you back he or she would take an alternate route of calling the cops to come fight you for them, with lethal force. And they will be perfectly fine with the cops killing you over their little slapping conflict.

Calling the cops is the non-violent person’s way of using violence without getting their own hands dirty.

This is how they can fight risk and conscience free while continuously claiming to be civilized and above the use of violence, or fighting.

Pen instead of a sword

Even our esteemed educator of the school with a zero tolerance fight policy will step up to fight any child who chooses to break this rule that he enforces.

Disciplinary action will be the fists for the teacher and administrators that will harm the rule breaker academically & socially with a hurting that can sometimes cause permanent damage. “Disciplinary action” is the school’s last form of communication towards students who no longer move in the direction that they want them to move in.

It is an ultimate @$$ whipping!

Modified fighting systems

The disciplinary systems of schools are formed and placed to intimidate students to behave accordingly or else, just as threatening to spank, whip, smack, or punch someone in the face is.

And when someone isn’t intimidated by these warnings or “threats”, the fight is on!

Just like everybody poops, everybody fights regardless of what they “choose” to use as their self-justified weapons!

Same difference

Whether a person chooses to take a swing at someone, to quietly file paperwork that will cause social harm, to verbally discredit them to fellow acquaintances, or simply to gaslight them, they all are fighting the way that they best know how to fight in the conditions that they are currently subjected to, against the person who they feel they can no longer control.

When the manner that they have chosen to use to fight back against you proves to have no effect, they will find a new way to fight back.

Including reverting back to combat.

Of course this is dirty and you need to always be ready to get dirty too with fight ending techniques such as this one from my PRISON FIGHTING ADVANTAGES arsenal.

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